
Throwback to the day I met Miley Cyrus

Today I would like to write about the day I had the chance to meet Miley Cyrus.

I was just a 16een-years-old-girl who loved Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus' music and I was lucky enough to be invited to the Hannah Montana The Movie premiere in Rome the 20th April 2009. 
Since it was the very first time for Miley to come to Italy, I felt like I couldn't miss the chance to go to the premiere.
The previous day I arrived in Rome after an eight-hours-drive and arranged to meet a friend of mine after dinner. What happened next is history (just kidding :D ). We saw a couple of black Mercedes stopping not so far from where we were and found out Miley Cyrus, her sister Brandi and their dad Billy Ray Cyrus were actually in one of them because all the cars had the Hannah Montana logo printed on a sheet.
We really were beyond excited to meet her and she was very kind to take a photo with us, despite her tiredness for the long flight  (she had just came straight to the hotel from the airport). 
I also had the chance to talk a little with the movie director, Peter Chelsom, who was really funny and tried to spoke a little Italian with me.
The movie premiere was the following day and I remember how gorgeous Miley was in her violet dress and with her beautiful long hair (I still don't get why she had them cut so short).

I still remember those days with a smile, because after all, I really had a good time and met a lot of people.


My make up collection and storage

Being a huge fan of make up, I couldn't help myself with organizing my collection in the easiest way possible. If I have to be honest, I hadn't realized how much make up stuff I owned until I started picking up every single item from the many beauty cases I had in my closet to put it in order.

But first just let me tell you a story before showing you guys my make up collection and storage.


Bangor Reunion on Easter Saturday!

Buona Pasqua dolcezze! Vi auguro una giornata piena di amore e gioia! 

Ieri ho passato davvero una bella giornata con una mia cara amica inglese conosciuta quando ero a Bangor. Caso voleva che proprio per le vacanze di Pasqua la mia amica avesse deciso di visitare degli amici che vivono non lontano da dove sto io. Senza farmelo ripetere due volte abbiamo così colto l'occasione per rivederci e ho pensato di mostrarle la mia città natale, Trieste.
Nonostante il brutto tempo caratterizzato da un cielo coperto e pioggia, pare che la città le sia piaciuta molto.
Abbiamo passeggiato nel centro città dove le ho così mostrato Piazza Unità d'Italia (famosa per essere la più grande piazza d'Europa aperta direttamente sul Mare Adriatico), per pranzo siamo andate in un ristorante cinese e nel pomeriggio abbiamo fatto un po' di shopping. Mi sarebbe piaciuto poterle mostrare anche il Castello di Miramare, ma purtroppo il brutto tempo non me l'ha permesso. Sarà per la prossima volta. :)

Parlando di shopping, sono finalmente riuscita ad andare nel nuovo negozio della M.A.C Cosmetics che ha recentemente aperto proprio a Trieste. Non so dirvi quanto la cosa mi abbia resa felice, soprattutto considerando che per anni lo store più vicino era appena a Venezia e quindi andare lì ogni volta che mi serviva qualcosa rappresentava un bel problema (inoltre non mi piace acquistare fondotinta e prodotti vari per la pelle su internet perché prima di comperarli ho bisogno di provarli - e se sbagliassi completamente colore? Quello sarebbe un problema :p).

Abbiamo passato davvero un bel pomeriggio e sono felice d'aver potuto trascorrere del tempo con un'amica. Ogni tanto penso a quanto piccolo sia questo mondo. Chi l'avrebbe mai detto che dopo il mio Erasmus a Bangor l'avrei di nuovo rivista?
Stringere nuove amicizie con persone provenienti da varie parti del mondo è assolutamente una delle cose che più preferisco del viaggiare. 

Happy Easter lovelies! May this day be filled with love and joy!  
Yesterday I had a very fun day with a dear English friend of mine I met in Bangor, who happened to be spending her Easter holiday at some friend's house, not so far from the town where I live. Thus, we took the chance to see each other and I decided to show her my hometown, Trieste. Despite the cloudy and rainy day,  she enjoyed the city as much as I do every time I go there.
We had a walk in the city centre where I showed her Piazza Unità d'Italia (very famous for being the largest seafront square in Europe), then we went to a Chinese Restaurant for lunch and did some shopping in the afternoon. I would have loved to show her Miramare Castle too, but the bad weather didn't allow me to do so. Miramare is at the top of my list for the next time though. :)
Talking of shopping, I finally had the chance to visit the new M.A.C Cosmetics store that has recently opened in Trieste. I am so happy since the closest store was only in Venice and I couldn't manage to go there every time I needed something (and I don't like buying foundations and skin products online as I want to try products before deciding if to buy them or not -- what if I bought a product that's darker than my skin? That would be a problem! :p). I also treated myself with an Easter gift: the 508 Nude Pink Design palette by Dior. 
We really had a lovely afternoon and I am so happy I could spend some quality time with a friend. Sometimes I feel like this world is really small. Who would have ever thought that after my Erasmus experience I would have met her again? Making new friends from all around the world is definitely one of my favorite perks of traveling